Eurasia Publications, March 2011

7 04 2011

A list of recent reports on Europe and Eurasia that were highlighted in the March issue of the Democracy Resource Center Bulletin.

North Kosovo: Dual Sovereignty in Practice
The dispute between Kosovo and Serbia, which keeps the Western Balkans divided and insecure, is most acute in Kosovo’s northern municipalities. Source: International Crisis Group

Shattering Hopes: Post-Election Crackdown in Belarus
The report documents the human rights violations that have occurred since the election – including persecution of opposition candidates and activists, abuse of detainees, trials behind closed doors and raids on human rights organisations. Source: Human Rights Watch

Southeast and Central Europe Media Handbook
The database includes the latest political and economic developments, an overview of the media landscape, media-related legislation and press freedom issues. Source: South and East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO).

Inclusion of a publication does not imply ownership or endorsement by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED); rather, these are publications that the Democracy Resource Center believes would be of interest to NED staff and others interested in democracy promotion.